Atmospheric Refraction
Atmospheric Refraction: Overview
This Topic covers sub-topics such as Twinkling of Stars, Mirage Formation, Delayed Sunset, Advanced Sunrise and, Apparent Position of the Star
Important Questions on Atmospheric Refraction
One reason for mirage formation is that the refractive index of air decreases with depth.
Explain the formation of mirage with a diagram.
Which among the following are the phenomena observed on Earth are due to atmospheric refraction of light
Planets are seen as extended sources that are considered to be a collection of point sources of light. The total variation in the amount of light entering our eyes from them does not average out to be zero, thereby planets twinkle.
The apparent position of the stars is always_____.
The star appears slightly higher than its actual position when viewed near the horizon.
As observed from earth, stars seems to be twinkling, the reason is-
Due to atmospheric refraction the sun rise is advanced by _____minutes.
All layers of atmosphere has the same refractive index.